Flumadiddle is a showcase of local and international artists and designers curated by Warriors Studio:
“We asked artists and designers who inspire us to create a piece of work in response to:
Noun. [fluhm-uh-did-l]
definition: utter nonsense
Nonsense is communication that lacks coherent meaning. Nonsense is absurd, ridiculous and inconsistent. Be useless and be senseless!”
The responses were then printed in a loose-leaf broadsheet style newspaper printed in Glasgow by Newspaper Club and designed by Warriors Studio and showcased in an exhibition at The Lighthouse. The newspapers were loose-leaf with each loose spread becoming a poster of each of the art works.
The artists and designers involved are a combination of people who Warriors admire the work of: “Whether we’d been followers for years, seen them recently online or in magazines, met them at events or worked with them in the past. We were also conscious to invite people local to us in Scotland but also from further afield from places like Poland and the United States.”
Featured artists and designers include Noviki (PL), Alex Wallbaum & Aleia Murawski (USA), Nadine Kolodziey (DE), Elise Mesner (USA), Sally Hackett (UK), Isabel Seiffert (CH), Calum Douglas (UK), Warriors Studio (UK), Anna Beil (DE), Jack Sachs (UK), Mark Bohle (DE), Célestin Krier (FR), Fedor Velyaminov (NL), Kévin Bray (FR), Corbin Mahieu (BE), Karol Banach (PL) and Jay Daniel Wright (UK).